Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Good evening ladies! Let’s talk about down under your “Vajayjay”

Have you noticed that things down under are different from what they have previously been?

For example, have you noticed dryness, burning, or sometimes irritation in the area after sex? Have you noticed diminished lubrication during intimate times? Have you noticed that things don’t seem as fulfilling physically in the bedroom, though you’ve had the same partner? Some of these symptoms could be attributed to vaginal and pelvic floor laxity.

Excuse me for my description of our wonderful female parts. However, due to internet rules and my love for Grey’s Anatomy, I thought Vajayjay would be a perfect description for this blog. I’m Dr Gina Kirkpatrick, a Board-Certified Urologist with a Fellowship and Specialization in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery.

Today I would like to discuss Vaginal Rejuvenation.

Vaginal rejuvenation is a broad term that covers several vaginal corrective procedures. These procedures are meant to correct problems that can occur after giving birth or during the aging process. Conditions can include:

Laxity (lack of tightness) of the vagina

Stress urinary incontinence

Lack of lubrication

These conditions have traditionally been corrected surgically and with supplementation of vaginal estrogen or hyaluronic acid. However, with the advent of laser modalities of treatment, the treatment regimen has evolved to include laser vaginal rejuvenation.

Viveve I Laser Trial utilizing monopolar radiofrequency for vaginal laxity in premenopausal women, 18 years of age or greater, with at least one full-time vaginal delivery and normal genital pelvic exam, concluded that a single treatment of therapy was found to be safe and associated with both improved vaginal laxity and improved sexual function. Nine study centers in Canada, Italy, Spain, and Japan participated.

In addition, there has been anecdotal data that supports claims that patients have improvement in leakage of urine with coughing, laughing, sneezing and exercise after vaginal laser therapy.

Let’s be clear. No one NEEDS vaginal rejuvenation. This is a condition that should be addressed if you are not satisfied with the appearance of your genitalia, have noted laxity or looseness of your genitalia or note that lubrication has diminished. However, If have symptoms that interfere with your ability to empty your bladder. If you notice blood in your urine or are having multiple urinary tract infections, you should seek care from your Primary Care Physician and referral to a General Urologist for further evaluation.

Otherwise, if you are affected by the issues discussed above and live in the Central Florida or Orlando area, I would love to see you in consultation at NV Medical Orlando, (407) 730-4244

Please visit our website at

 Here’s to the VaJaJay and all its wonders

Thanks for stopping by!

References: Energy Based Treatments and Vaginal Rejuvenation Viveve I Study

Female Orgasmic Rejuvenation

Female Orgasmic Rejuvenation

Orlando Female Orgasmic Rejuvenation

Female Orgasmic Rejuvenation

Female orgasmic disorder (FOD) is when women experience a reduction in the intensity, delay, or absence of sexual orgasm, which causes distress. Symptoms must have been present for at least six months and are not better explained by a mental disorder or secondary to relationship problems, significant stress, and not because of substance abuse, new medications, or other medical conditions.

Studies have estimated the prevalence of FOD may be as high as 10-42% in the

Factors that can contribute to FOD include menopausal and hormonal changes.

The treatment approach can be multi-modal and include a combination of sexual psychotherapy, hormone supplementation, creams, and medication that increase blood flow to the genitals and platelet-rich plasma injections.

Orgasmic Rejuvenation is used as a therapy for FOD. This procedure involves removing blood from your arm with a small needle, processing the blood, and extracting the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for injection into the vaginal and clitoral areas.

Platelet-rich plasma therapy has been used successfully in other areas of medicine with successful results.

Platelet-rich plasma is a platelet concentrate that may help to speed up tissue healing, in some medical conditions, without significant side effects. It has been used to treat diabetic foot ulcers, muscle injuries, tendon injuries, orthopedic procedures, and various cosmetic procedures. Many published studies demonstrate that PRP therapy has minimal risk of scar tissue formation or significant side effects. PRP activates cells to develop into new tissue, nerves, collagen, and blood vessels.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, please contact NV Medical Orlando for consultation with our Board-Certified and Fellowship trained Urologist for a private and confidential consultation today.

Female Sexual Issues

Female Sexual Issues

Female Sexual Issues 

Low Libido (Lack of Sexual Desire)

 If you are experiencing a lack of sexual desire and lack of sexual thoughts for 6 or more months which has become troublesome to you, then you may be experiencing Hypoactive Sexual Desire Dysfunction.

 Female low libido or decreased sexual desire and interest can have multiple causes. These symptoms may be attributed to biological factors that can include hormonal causes, medical health factors, medications; In addition, symptoms can be attributed to psychological factors including relationship stress, mental illness and history of sexual abuse.

 Inability to obtain an orgasm

If you are experiencing persistent or recurrent reduced intensity, delay, infrequency or absence of sexual orgasm following a normal excitement/arousal phase with adequate stimulation, you may have a condition called Anorgasmia. If your orgasms are infrequent or you are having difficulty climaxing or your orgasms are of weak intensity, then you may have a condition called Hypo-orgasmia.

 Vaginal Dryness

If you are experiencing sexual difficulty due to discomfort associated with vaginal dryness, you may have vaginal atrophy. The primary cause of vaginal dryness or vaginal atrophy is reduction of estrogen which occurs during and after menopause. Many other factors including, childbirth and hysterectomy can be additional causes which can reduce estrogen production in the body. 

 Pain with sexual activity

Pain with sexual activity can occur upon penetration, during penetration and with deep penetration. There are numerous potential causes of pain with intercourse that can be related to biological, psychosexual and relational factors.

 All the above-mentioned symptoms and conditions require a thorough history, physical exam and may require laboratory studies. The sexual function of women is very complex and unique to each individual. At NV Medical Orlando, a Physician or Advanced Practice Provider will provide a confidential and comprehensive evaluation with treatment recommendations to address your needs.

Female Urinary Incontinence

Female Urinary Incontinence

Female Urinary Incontinence Orlando

Urinary Incontinence is defined as loss of bladder control and subsequent leakage of urine. The cause of urinary leakage can be variable. However, this article will focus on the type of urinary incontinence that can be addressed and treated at NV Medical Orlando. Stress Urinary Incontinence is a specific type of incontinence that is associated with leakage of urine with activities that cause an increase in abdominal pressure. These activities can include jumping, running, sneezing, coughing, exercising, and heavy lifting.

This condition most commonly occurs after pregnancy and childbirth, after weight gain, after pelvic floor surgery, such as a hysterectomy, and during the normal aging process.


Pelvic Floor Therapy is physical therapy for the pelvis. It is an intensive program that typically consists of 1-2 sessions per week for 6-8 weeks

Surgical Correction:

After a thorough evaluation by a Urologist or a Urogynecologist, recommendation for surgical intervention may be made. These can include placing bulking material in your urethra, placement of a sling with mesh, graft material or use of your own tissue to support the urethra.

Minimally Invasive Vaginal Therapy

Viveve Radiofrequency Technology uses cryogen cooled radiofrequency to heat and cool tissue in the vaginal area, which is designed to improve vaginal laxity and treat stress urinary incontinence. The treatment is done discreetly, is painless, and takes 45 mins to 1 hour to complete. Most patients start to notice the improvement in symptoms in 1 month but it may take a full six months for maximum improvement.

Female low Sex drive

Female low Sex drive

Female low Sex drive Orlando

Low Libido (Lack of Sexual Desire)

If you are experiencing a lack of sexual desire and lack of sexual thoughts for 6 or more months which has become troublesome to you, then you may be experiencing Hypoactive Sexual Desire Dysfunction.

Female low libido or decreased sexual desire and interest can have multiple causes. These symptoms may be attributed to biological factors that can include hormonal causes, medical health factors, medications; In addition, symptoms can be attributed to psychological factors including relationship stress, mental illness and history of sexual abuse.

Inability to obtain an orgasm

If you are experiencing persistent or recurrent reduced intensity, delay, infrequency or absence of sexual orgasm following a normal excitement/arousal phase with adequate stimulation, you may have a condition called Anorgasmia. If your orgasms are infrequent or you are having difficulty climaxing or your orgasms are of weak intensity, then you may have a condition called Hypo-orgasmia.

Vaginal Rejuvenation/Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal Rejuvenation/Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal Rejuvenation/Vaginal Dryness

Good evening ladies! Let’s talk about down under your “Vajayjay”

 Have you noticed that things down under are different from what they have previously been?

For example, have you noticed dryness, burning, or sometimes irritation in the area after sex? Have you noticed diminished lubrication during intimate times? Have you noticed that things don’t seem as fulfilling physically in the bedroom, though you’ve had the same partner? Some of these symptoms could be attributed to vaginal and pelvic floor laxity.

 Excuse me for my description of our wonderful female parts. However, due to internet rules and my love for Grey’s Anatomy, I thought Vajayjay would be a perfect description for this blog. I’m Dr Gina Kirkpatrick, a Board-Certified Urologist with a Fellowship and Specialization in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery.

 Today I would like to discuss Vaginal Rejuvenation.

 Vaginal rejuvenation is a broad term that covers several vaginal corrective procedures. These procedures are meant to correct problems that can occur after giving birth or during the aging process. Conditions can include:

 Laxity (lack of tightness) of the vagina

Stress urinary incontinence

Lack of lubrication

 These conditions have traditionally been corrected surgically and with supplementation of vaginal estrogen or hyaluronic acid. However, with the advent of laser modalities of treatment, the treatment regimen has evolved to include laser vaginal rejuvenation.

 Viveve I Laser Trial utilizing monopolar radiofrequency for vaginal laxity in premenopausal women, 18 years of age or greater, with at least one full-time vaginal delivery and normal genital pelvic exam, concluded that a single treatment of therapy was found to be safe and associated with both improved vaginal laxity and improved sexual function. Nine study centers in Canada, Italy, Spain, and Japan participated.

 In addition, there has been anecdotal data that supports claims that patients have improvement in leakage of urine with coughing, laughing, sneezing and exercise after vaginal laser therapy.

 Let’s be clear. No one NEEDS vaginal rejuvenation. This is a condition that should be addressed if you are not satisfied with the appearance of your genitalia, have noted laxity or looseness of your genitalia or note that lubrication has diminished. However, If have symptoms that interfere with your ability to empty your bladder. If you notice blood in your urine or are having multiple urinary tract infections, you should seek care from your Primary Care Physician and referral to a General Urologist for further evaluation.

 Otherwise, if you are affected by the issues discussed above and live in the Central Florida or Orlando area, I would love to see you in consultation at NV Medical Orlando, (407) 730-4244

 Please visit our website at

 Here’s to the VaJaJay and all its wonders!

Thanks for stopping by!

References: Energy Based Treatments and Vaginal Rejuvenation Viveve I Study

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