Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
Good evening, ladies. Let’s talk about sex
Have you noticed within the past six months or more a lack of motivation in sexual activity which could include decreased or absent sexual thoughts, fantasies and desires? Have you noticed a decrease in response to sexual stimulation or the inability to maintain interest during sexual activity? Have you experienced a loss of desire to initiate or participate in sexual activity? Have these changes in your sexual life caused any type of distress which could include sadness, sorrow, concern and or grief?
If any of these issues pertain to you, you could be experiencing Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder.
Welcome to my blog. I am Dr Gina Kirkpatrick, a Board-Certified Urologist with a Fellowship and specialization in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery. in my practice, I’ve noticed that women from as young as mid-30s to early 80 years of age, have all presented with some form of complaint of sexual dysfunction, which includes any or all the symptoms I’ve mentioned above.
Of these symptoms, low desire appears to be the most prevalent. Studies report approximately 39% of women have complaints of reduced desire. Low arousal follows and orgasmic difficulties presents at approximately 21%.
Studies have shown that this condition presents surprisingly in approximately 27% of women aged 18-44 years. The next predominant age group was 45 to 64 years of age. However, women 65 years and older represented 65-80% of complaints.
So how is this condition formally diagnosed and treated? Obviously, due to the sensitive nature of this condition, most women do not seek treatment due to embarrassment. Unfortunately, societal norms often dictate that we address everyone else’s concerns, including the sexual desires of our partner and not those of ourselves.
Consequently, I’m writing this blog out of passion for women, including our needs and desires for sexual satisfaction and the achievement of a fulfilling and satisfying intimate life.
Diagnosis of this condition should occur under the care of a licensed physician, provider or sexual medicine therapist.
There are several questionnaires, laboratory studies and a physical exam that should be done to assist with diagnosing the root cause of sexual dysfunction in women, including this condition.
Treatment can vary based on your diagnosis but can include hormone supplementation. sexual therapy, treatment with two medications; one that is injected under the skin on demand and one that is taken by mouth daily.
So, ladies… as you can see, if you find that you don’t have the desire, or are not obtaining satisfaction in your intimate and sexual relationships, please do not assume that this condition is not treatable or that it is a process of stress, hormone changes or aging.
Please inquire with your Primary Care Physician for a referral to a Urologist or a Physician that has formal training in Female Pelvic Health. If you live in the Central Florida or Orlando area, I would love to see you in consultation at NV Medical Orlando, (407) 730-4244.
Please stop by our website at www.nvmedical.com for further information or to make a consultation appointment.